Case Study Type

Global Automobile Manufacturer

Solvaire Services



Performing a massive discovery and document production request on an incredibly short deadline.


Solvaire’s project team (under the supervision and direction of our affiliated law firm) worked closely with the client’s in-house discovery team to leverage state-of-the-art discovery technology, and efficiently complete the project under incredibly tight timeframes. This project was reassigned to Solvaire after the original firm was incapable of meeting the aggressive deadlines.


This massive discovery and production project involved over 1.2 million electronic documents. The client met all aggressive deadlines issued by the applicable federal regulatory agency.

Solvaire completed an incredibly large discovery project (1.2M electronic records) under an extraordinary deadline. The professionals at Solvaire effectively applied predictive coding and artificial technology to the project, assembled an experienced team, and brought the project home, all for a fee that was a fraction of our competitors.

William, Associate General Counsel, Automotive Industry